CIS 68I:  Using The Internet

Assignment 2 – Chapter 2

Part A

Read Chapter 2 – Browsing the Web - pages 42 - 93

Part B

Define these key terms from Tutorial 2 (terms must be numbered and completed on computer)

1.       Web Browser

2.      Web Client

3.      Web Server

4.      Web portal

5.      HTML tags

6.      Hyper Links

7.      IP Address

8.      DNS - Domain Name Server

9.      TLD – Top level domain

10.   URL – Uniform Resource Locator

11.    protocol

12.   domain name

13.   path name

14.   Search Engine

15.   Status Bar

16.   Menu Bar

17.   Address Bar


Part C

  1. Visit the home page for Microsoft ( and search for information related to each company’s most recent browser release or a new release that is scheduled for a future date. Note the version numbers of the new products, their proposed or actual enhancements, and some important new features. If possible, find out when the new product was released or is scheduled for release. 
  2. Visit the home pages for Netscape ( ) and search for information related to each company’s most recent browser release or a new release that is scheduled for a future date. Note the version numbers of the new products, their proposed or actual enhancements, and some important new features, tips and tricks. If possible, find out when the new product was released or is scheduled for release. 
  3. Visit other browsers, Opera, at and Mozilla at How does Opera and Mozilla compare with Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator
  4. Compare the strength and weaknesses of these four web browsers, identify beneficial features of each, and recommend which is your pick. This assignment will be typed and formatted as a memo addressed to the instructor.

Part D

Staple this page and all printed output on top of your completed work or otherwise identify on your document which assignment this is.